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3 Ways Going to Therapy Can Benefit Your Career

Writer: Neal SardanaNeal Sardana

Updated: Dec 14, 2022

Often times we feel we need to be dealing with a “serious” mental health issue to see a therapist. What if I told you that seeing a therapist can benefit your job search and career development?

I will share my experience as a licensed therapist and career coach to talk about how engaging in therapy can help you gain the tools and perspective to overcome a variety of career challenges.

First let's explore: What is therapy?

In short, therapy is a conversation. We already have conversations with our family, friends. and partners. What makes a conversation with a therapist different than those conversation?

A conversation with a therapist is:

*Confidential (You don’t have to worry about what you tell your therapist being shared)

*Non-judgmental and Objective (No hidden agenda)

*Focused on You (It can be hard when you are sharing something and the person listening taking it as an opportunity to make the conversation about them)

3 Career Challenges and How Therapy can Help

Not Knowing Where to Start: When individuals approach me about wanting to start a job search or make a change, they can identify what they did not like in their previous or current jobs. However, it is hard to figure what a path forward may look like or what is next. Figuring out a path forward begins with taking a step back, turning inward, and gaining a clearer understanding of who you are. Therapy is designed to help you understand your strengths, accomplishments, interests, values and needs. All this information are the clues and ingredients to create your path forward.

Trouble Communicating: Once you figured out what you want and where are you are going, the key is effectively communicating that to others. “Others” include potential hiring managers, your current employers, friends, and your network. Remember it is not the most experienced person that gets the job, it is the person that can best communicate who they are, what they do best, and why they are the strongest fit for the position. Career development is a constant communication process. We communicate in networking, resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and performance reviews. We communicate both verbally and non-verbally. Communication is how we build connection and relationships. Therapy is safe space to explore and practice communicating who you are, what you value, what you need, and how you fit from an empowered and authentic place. Your therapist is also a neutral observer who can give you feedback on your communication skills to best help you connect to others and land the opportunity you want.

Work and Job Searching is Stressful: Often times there are a variety of emotions and challenges whether we are currently working or looking for a job. This can include feelings of imposter syndrome, spending too much time on work, dealing with challenging supervisors or coworkers, worrying about never finding the right fit, or feeling like you have to choose between your passion and money. All these situations can lead to us feeling anxious, depressed, and burnt out. This not only affects our job/job search but can also have a negative impact on our life outside of work. Often times how we feel affects our ability to make meaningful change and see new possibilities. A therapist can help you understand and validate your emotions and help you build concrete tools to work with these stressors. Increased mental wellness and tools gives us the strength and abilities to push through the emotional and practical barriers to achieve a greater sense of career wellness.


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